Winter Letter no. 36 "GUEST IN THE LIGHT"
Here is the first Winter Letter, after moving to the Old Factory in Rådvad. The location is still Kongens Lyngby, but just out in the forest, where you find the historic buildings, which earlier was a knife factory. My adress is Rådvad 40 K, 1st floor, where I share the studio with my former apprentice Kasia Gasparski.
Read the Winter Letter HERE
In the new studio/location I meet people be appointment only on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays; but if you feel like visiting me to see the new facilities, you are welcome pass by during the traditional Christmas event:
JULE ÅBNE VÆRKSTEDER , first and second weekend in December; all days between 11.00 - 16.00 hours.
I look so much forward to see you out in my new workshop.